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timmyab - Beethoven Sonata No. 31 in A flat Major, 1st mov. 110: Message Board

timmyab's Comments

I think that I ought to make it clear that these recordings, even with all their many flaws, don't represent my true capability as a pianist because they are the best of multiple takes under no pressure and there are some splices here and there.Even so it took about six months work to get them to where they are currently and I shall no doubt continue to work on them in the future.

Post your comments on timmyab's performance!

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Name Date Comment
Andy Platt 2010-12-17 11:29:30 Well, compared to my DP it sounds very authentic! Mine's too old. Good job editing because I couldn't detect any joins and this was another of yours where I forgot I was listening to the ecital.
wouter79 2010-12-17 11:03:52 Carey, I think this is a DP :-D
To me it sounds a bit funny and actually distracts me from listening.
Carey 2010-12-17 01:45:27 Timmyab - Excellent job with the dynamic contrasts throughout the entire sonata !! I'm curious to know what type/make of piano you recorded on. I really like the sound. In the arioso sections of the final movement, you might want to consider using a bit more pedal, and also try to maintain the forward momentum of the musical line. The fugue is great fun to play, isn't it ??