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StringsandWood - Beethoven Sonata Quasi una Fantasia ("Moonlight"), 1st mov. 27/2: Message Board

StringsandWood's Comments

I have been at this one for about a year now. Dynamics continue to be a work in progress.

Post your comments on StringsandWood's performance!

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Name Date Comment
Inlanding 2010-12-19 00:25:14 I really like your choice of tempo and how you make your way through the changes. You play this with a great deal of patience and confidence. Thanks for sharing your version.
wouter79 2010-12-17 06:25:17 Nice!

I suppose you are aware of the missed/wrong notes and beats...
Why is the sudden acceleration in measure 36?
My edition has a lot of dynamic indications and I don't hear those in your version. Is this a difference in version/edition?
LisztAddict 2010-12-16 17:45:44 Excellent tempo for the most parts except in the middle of measure 36, you suddenly made a sharp acceleration. Thank you for sharing this!!!