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Angela Lear

McL0v1N42 - Beethoven Sonata No. 17 in d minor ("Tempest"), 1st mov. 31/2: Message Board

McL0v1N42's Comments

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Name Date Comment
Strings & Wood 2010-12-16 21:29:18 Excellent opening act to this drama filled piece. Captivated right away and kept me there to the end!
liszt85 2010-12-16 10:34:49 Good job, piano*son! You seem to have a good teacher too. I know that you have a great supportive father ;). Keep it up guys!
Cinnamonbear 2010-12-16 10:33:01 What a wonderfully moody rendition! You certainly can paint a picture with those sounds! You really do a great job of creating color and texture with the way you use the pedal, and with your contrast between sensitive and hammering touch. Nice rendition!!!
Minaku 2010-12-16 10:02:54 An appropriately tempestuous rendition of this first movement. Opening was foreboding and murky, exactly what this listener would like to hear. Tempo was driving and well-sustained all the way through. Very in keeping with the spirit of a dark Beethoven at the piano; the style and pacing was excellent. Piano*Son knows exactly what he wants out of the piano and he gets it! Bravo.