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Angela Lear

Inlanding - Beethoven Sonata Quasi una Fantasia (Moonlight), 1st mov. 27/2: Message Board

Inlanding's Comments

Such a fun piece of music to play. Relaxing through the entire movement is no easy task. Playing slowly and quietly, while listening to, and controlling the three voices as they vie for position is such a challenge. So many wonderful renditions out there as there should be. As well, mine is as elusive as it was on day-one. It is Quasi una Fantasia.

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Name Date Comment
Cinnamonbear 2010-12-18 06:36:18 Glen, I have to disagree with wouter79. This tempo is marvelous. And I think your dynamics are scaled perfectly to the tempo. This is a very calm, deep, distanted and mysterious rendition that you play with feeling and understanding. Those final chords are so hard to touch evenly and distinctly and you nailed them with feeling and understanding, too! Nicely done, and thanks so much for sharing it! Your piano sounds great, too!!! And your recording is perfect! This is really great~~
wouter79 2010-12-17 06:23:19 Very nice!

I thought that my version was slow :D My edition says "adagio" which is around 70?
IMHO this can use a bit more speed, I know the piece is pulling you to slow down but to keep the attention the speed needs to be kept up a bit.
Also, as I asked with the other version, my edition shows a lot of dynamic indications and I dont hear them in your version. Is this an edition difference?