steveMac - Beethoven Sonata No. 8 in c minor ("Pathetique"), 2nd mov. 13: Message Board
steveMac's Comments
My favorite Beethoven piece and still a work in progress. I hope you enjoy it anyway.Post your comments on steveMac's performance!
Name | Date | Comment |
LisztAddict | 2010-12-19 23:08:19 | Beautiful! |
wr | 2010-12-19 06:03:55 | Your affection for the piece comes through loud and clear. |
Cinnamonbear | 2010-12-17 03:40:53 | Beethoven could write such great melodies, couldn't he? I enjoyed it despite anything called "anyway." You obviously understand what Beethoven was getting at, here. How did you discover this piece, and how did you come to learn it? Spill the beans, Steve. |