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Carey - Beethoven Sonata No. 31 in A flat Major, 3rd mov. 110: Message Board

Carey's Comments

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Name Date Comment
Carey 2010-12-23 16:19:45 Gerg and Chris - Thank you both for the kind comments. I always felt that this recording of the 3rd movement of the Opus 110 was perhaps my best live solo performance experience. I remember it feeling quite "right" at the time.
ChrisKeys 2010-12-22 15:34:19 Phil, the tenderest and most expressive performance of the slow sections of this movement (that I've ever heard) is this one. Amazing and truly touching. I've always felt this this movement is very difficult to interpret well. Either it comes off like a head trip (i.e. totally intellectual and devoid of human contact), or it's very disconnected. You've not only avoided these extremes, but you pulled it all together! The buildup and rush to the end captures the joyous explosion that is there, but which so few pianists capture. Great, great job!
gerg 2010-12-19 18:43:46 You always play with such precision, like a pro. I enjoyed the transition at around 5:50-6:10 after the long development preceding it.

Lovely, professional sound on this recording arrangement.