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kck - Heller Tarentella 46/7: Message Board

kck's Comments

This is a so-so quality recording and the 10 year old had a technical difficulty with the pedal in the middle where the obvious mistake happens. I think the pedals on our piano need work and kid needs longer legs for sure. :-) Sorry for the long delay at the beginning.

Post your comments on kck's performance!

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Name Date Comment
kck 2011-08-22 10:22:09 LOL - it's funny you saw this on YouTube CB! That is such a goofy looking video between the pajamas and him trying to reach the pedal. ROFL! The pedals on our 100 year old piano are so stiff and loud.

Thank you all for the very nice comments! You definitely made the kid's week! :-)
Cinnamonbear 2011-08-21 15:37:17 I believe Chase has a great sense of humor and a flair for the dramatic that definitely comes through in his playing! Good going, you! --Caught you on YouTube, too! : D
Julian (SlatterFan) 2011-08-21 07:12:56 I second what Greg said. Your son's a natural musician. Congrats to him and I hope he plays in UH3.
Greg 2011-08-20 18:40:54 Very crisp playing!

Your son should be very proud of this.

Tell him the folks at Ecital are proud of him and hope he participates again in the future!!!

Greg 2011-08-20 01:46:03 Naw, it's very charming and I'm so glad you put it up! :-)
kck 2011-08-19 19:44:02 Yikes - this recording is worse that I thought! Apologies!