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Opus1Music - Beethoven Sonata in F Major 54/1: Message Board

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Name Date Comment
David 2011-08-23 20:24:16 Hi Justin,

I hadn't heard this sonata in ages, so was delighted to listen to your recording. You truly play this piece in the grand manner. Superb! Thanks so much for posting it.

Inlanding 2011-08-23 19:35:32 Your interpretation of this fine, not so commonly played Sonata is superb. Such a treat - thank you!
Cinnamonbear 2011-08-20 18:09:57 YOU understand Beethoven! Ha-ha! Wonderfully played! Love the theme, and love the tempo! Gorgeous!
Julian (SlatterFan) 2011-08-20 13:46:38 Yay, the one between the Waldstein and the Appassionata that is hardly ever performed. There's a grandeur to your interpretation that I really like, with lots of nice individual touches, such as the slightly ominous "growling" in the bass before the repeat of the opening theme. Great stuff.
Greg 2011-08-20 12:44:23 :-)

Very good! Not an unsung composer but certainly an unsung Sonata! Great work!