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SlatterFan - Chausson Paysage 38: Message Board

SlatterFan's Comments

Ernest Chausson (1855-1899) wrote only five pieces for solo piano: Paysage (Op. 38), and Quelques Danses (Op. 26). Both were written, in the words of the preface to the modern Marais edition, "in the new stark style which was to be his for the remaining three years of his life."

The title of the piece means "landscape," and the opening direction is "calme sans lenteur," or "calmly without slowness." There are hardly any dynamics marked and, apart from those and the phrasing, the music has no other expression marks. I hope you like this piece; I find it beautifully crafted and subtle in its yearning.

Quelques Danses are fine pieces too. When played as a set, they grow in intensity, speed, and difficulty. The first two of are no more difficult than Paysage but the last two are, in my opinion, "doozies," at least for my amateur self!

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Name Date Comment
David Baptista 2011-09-06 08:15:55 This piece is just beautiful. I can't stop listening it.
Carey 2011-08-30 15:48:55 SlatterFan - Your "amateur self" did a great job with this beautiful work !!!!!
wr 2011-08-28 03:51:46 An enjoyable listen - thanks! And thanks for introducing me to this piece - I have the score for the Quelques Danses, but didn't know about this piece.
David 2011-08-23 21:40:54 Hi Julian,

What a beautiful piece. You play it with artistry. It seems that Chausson thinks orchestrally at times in this music. Did you get that same sense when you were preparing it? When I think of his "Poeme de l'amour et de la mer", I can hear the same genius at work in this "Paysage" with his momentary shifts in tonal centers and lush harmonies. It's a tragedy that he died so early in life, leaving us to wonder what other masterpieces he might have produced. I enjoyed listening.

Justin - Opus1Music 2011-08-20 20:20:54 Lovely piece, so haunting and moving. I really enjoyed listening to this one! Thanks for sharing!