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jeffreyjones - Liszt Ballade No. 2: Message Board

jeffreyjones's Comments

I worked on this piece feverishly for a long time for an earlier performance and then let it sit, so I was interested to see how it had marinated. In the process of picking it back up again, I saw a number of things in the score I had never noticed before, and that I'm not sure any of the great performers noticed - not surprising in an extremely complicated, but rather obscure 14 minute piece! Unlike the earlier recording, this was done on my Schimmel upright - with the apartment pedal on, because otherwise the distortion from the microphone is too intense. As it was, it was about 25 feet away!

Post your comments on jeffreyjones's performance!

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Name Date Comment
anonymous 2011-10-23 17:19:54 Check out Nelson Freire, I think he does even better. It's on his new album "Harmonies du Soir.."
Damon 2011-10-23 10:37:28 This is now my favorite recording of the piece. Magnificent job Jeffrey!