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Mochomu - Liszt Waldesrauschen: Message Board

Mochomu's Comments

I don't think I'm doing justice to the piece. But this is the best I can do at the moment.

Post your comments on Mochomu's performance!

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Name Date Comment
Mochomu 2011-10-31 17:07:32 Thank you Hakki for your advice. I agree with you 100% and I do have a wonderful teacher. But I couldn't get a single session with her while refining it for this e-cital because of schedule conflict. But I feel the need for improving basic skills, such as playing each note evenly at precise timing at even at a fast passages.
Mochomu 2011-10-31 16:59:52 Thank you Damon. Yes Listzt is hard play in general, but this is one of more accessible ones. I will come back later and work some more.
Hakki 2011-10-29 02:41:31 I think your playing is fine.
It is best to have a teacher/coach while preparing a new piece.
Damon 2011-10-26 06:43:50 I think you did plenty fine. Liszt is very hard to play and this was quite good.
Mochomu 2011-10-25 13:36:51 Carey and Lilylady, thank for your warm words. I always feel disappointed when I listen to my own recordings. The gap between how I think I've played and how I actually sounded is huge. I think it is important to develop your ear so that you can hear what audience will hear while you play. Without an accurate feed back, you can't make an adjustment. I don't know how though.
Carey 2011-10-24 20:55:24 We all try to do the "best we can at the moment" - and your performance of this challenging work sounds just fine !!! Good job !!
lilylady 2011-10-23 07:39:11 You did fine Mochomu. Thank you for sharing.